Zimmerman is correct in saying that the digital age has taken over our generation. At the beginning of this school year my parents blocked facebook from me because they knew i go on it NON-STOP. My grades for the first marking period were AWESOME; all As and one B. So that was good. Then my friend told me a way around the proxy block on my computer so i could get on facebook at home. That day was probably the happiest day in my senior year! hahaa. (then i obviously got my acceptance letter to COASTAL CAROLINA) So facebook was finally available to me and my grades began to decline dramatically because all i was doing was FACEBOOK. At this point its really hard to go on in my day without checking everyso often. If im doing homework on the computer it probably takes me twice as long because im multitasking between that and facebook. Facebook = Life for pretty much every teenager in America. To a certain extent the computer makes us stupid. I get the whole multitasking thing Zimmerman brought up and that comprehension of important content is lost when on the computer and having the urge to do other things. BUT i dont really think that we are stupid because of it. REading an article online is pretty easy to do. Im not really distracted by other things when reading an article.
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