On Presidents Day my friend, Emily and I ventured by car to Philadelphia! First of all, the car was a terrible idea! Not only did i waste gas, AND pay twenty dollars for parking, the traffic in Philly was horendous! We should have known that from the get go but we ignored our better judgment and went for the crazy adventure anyway. That was my first time EVER driving myself to philly and i was pertrified. With my GPS handy i was prepared to battle the streets of philly with my bestie. once we found the lot we wanted to park in we got out to look for the Mutter Museum. Incase you didnt know what it is.. its a museum to showcase birthdefects, mutations, abnormalities, and diseases! its really cool to see it all. There was this wax figure of a lady that had a tumor on her face that looked like a horn!! it was crazy! Unfortunately the museum was really small so me and emily spent about an hour in there and it was too cold to walk the streets of Philly so we got back in the car and went to the cherry hill mall. People really dont know how to drive, and for me driving allday i was getting really pissed at people that were just plain stupid. SO EMily and I had a little dose of retail therapy to sooth our nerves!
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