If the person is a VEGETABLE.. let them go! Families dont look at the logical sides of things. Theres no poin in keeping someone alive when theyre on LIFE SUPPORT. theyre not living on their own and cant function by themselves so why keep the fustration going. LET THE GO. In the Betancourt case, the family is so stuck on keeping Ruben around for no reason. When they look at the support he was being given (kidney dialysis, ventilator, and a feeding tube!) all they seem to see is their family members body and want them to stay there! Its stupid to want you family member to sit there.. on the other hand hes BRAINDEAD and he doesnt know whats going on so if the family wants to keep the care going its on them. I do kinda think the hospital should let the family decide whether to keep treatment going or not. I still think the family should move on and let him go but ultimately the decision should rest in the families hands. thats pretty much all i can say.. FAMILY; MOVE ON.. hospital; do your job. :)
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